How we can build a better country together!
Every year, about a thousand volunteers donate their time to make SHIFT’s vision of transforming communities by supporting transformative leaders a success. Our volunteers help us empower, engage, and sensitize communities on inclusive and acceptable politics in Nigeria.

We believe Nigerians should have uninterrupted power system, 24 hours, 7 days a week and have good roads.
We believe Nigerians should be safe from terrorism, kidnapping, herdsmen attacks, and armed robbery in all parts of the country.
More Jobs
We believe the economy should work for every Nigerian, not just the rich. We should reduce unemployment.
We believe every Nigerian should have access to quality and affordable public education – from primary to university.
Health Care
We believe Nigerians should have a world class healthcare system that serves the public health needs of the country.
Good Governance
We believe in a democracy that values the rule of law and represent the interests of the public.
Communities in Nigeria lack the basic necessities needed to thrive. How can we help?
Resources Portal
We are focused on providing our volunteers with the highest level of quality and excellent training support.

Attend Ready to SHIFT (RTS)
We understand that our communities need to have the knowledge, access, and network to be fully immersed in our democracy.
Ready to Shift is a voter education program designed to empower and educate our communities on how to make well informed choices about those they elect to represent their interests, which is one of the key ways to curb destructive agenda and restore a transparent governance.
It is a voter education program with series of modules to create a citizenship with skills, competence and disposition to freely and purposefully participate in their governance.
Contact Us Today
Attend Our Community Matters
Our Community Matters (OCM) by SHIFT is an event organized in various communities with about 10-20 people discussing local issues affecting that particular community and compiling recommendations.
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