Ready to SHIFT (RTS)

Every citizen has a right to relevant and adequate information to enable them effectively understand their democratic rights, roles, and responsibilities in order to participate in electoral processes and make informed choices.

At SHIFT Nigeria, we understand that our communities need to have the knowledge, access, and network to be fully immersed in our democracy. This serves as a backdrop for the Ready to SHIFT (RTS) Program.

Ready to SHIFT is a voter education program designed to empower and educate communities in the grassroots on how to make well informed choices about those they elect to represent their interests, which is one of the key ways to curb destructive agenda and restore a transparent governance.

4 strategic objectives

To aggregate local issues to form policy agendas, and engage in CSO collaborations to solve short term issues.

To Identify and locate transformative leaders in communities across Nigeria

To increase voter turnout in communities (Local Government Areas) across Nigeria.

To ignite passion for civic engagement in Nigerians which would encourage more participation in politics, democracy and civil service.

Attend Ready to SHIFT (RTS)

We understand that our communities need to have the knowledge, access, and network to be fully immersed in our democracy.

Ready to Shift is a voter education program designed to empower and educate our communities on how to make well informed choices about those they elect to represent their interests, which is one of the key ways to curb destructive agenda and restore a transparent governance.

It is a voter education program with series of modules to create a citizenship with skills, competence and disposition to freely and purposefully participate in their governance.

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