Why We VOTE?
Voting is more than your civic responsibility. It is your power In case you’ve ever wondered why you need to vote, here are five reasons why you should vote:
It is the least you can do to participate in the politics of your country: In Nigeria, we need more people to participate in the political process. We can’t afford to leave politics to a select few. The least we can do to participate is to vote.
You can effect change when you vote: Your vote counts. If you vote did not count, no one would bother to rig elections. When you vote, you can change the course of politics in the nation. You can get rid of bad leaders when you vote.
When you do not vote, you give up your voice: You have a voice in your community. When you do not vote, you give up your voice.
Voting gives you an opportunity to be part of the decision making process.
It is your constitutional right: Voting is your constitutional right. Exercise it!